Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How Does Film In the U.S Influence People Perception of Chinese Annotated Bibliography

How Does Film In the U.S Influence People Perception of Chinese Culture - Annotated Bibliography Example In this examination, the article â€Å"Remade In Hollywood† fills in as the essential source. Kenneth Chan is a partner educator and a chief of film concentrates in the Department of English at the University of Colorado. His territory of interests incorporates the Chinese film, Asian American movies, social examinations and the different film kinds. He is additionally on the article leading body of Journal of Chinese Cinemas. This makes him a solid wellspring of data. The subject of Wuxia which is being actualized in the American motion pictures is anything but an away from of the way of life and frequently falls a long way from the branch. This is the explanation that despite the fact that these motion pictures have gotten different honors in Hollywood industry yet they have neglected to get gratefulness from the Chinese crowd. The main conceivable explanation for this may be on the grounds that the executive made the films by remembering the crowd and didn't focus on the so cial subtleties and the affectability of the class of the film. Wuxia type is represented by specific guidelines and guidelines which just a genuine Chinese may comprehend and thus a large portion of these motion pictures are reprimanded by the idealists. The paper is composed with an away from of brain and discloses regarding how the Wuxia convention is appeared in different Hollywood motion pictures. The famous films which depend on the Wuxia topic likewise show a deception of the Chinese culture as though the motion pictures were coordinated remembering the crowd and not considering the Chinese individuals. This positively makes a confusion among the watchers of such motion pictures. The Wuxia culture is something beyond battles and battles and henceforth these motion pictures ought to have been made with more exploration on the topics. This paper will assist with framing a solid base in regards to the examination.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Australia :: Australia Research Papers

Australia Australia, the mainland down under, loaded up with kangaroos, koala bears, and a lot progressively one of a kind animals. I generally needed to go to Australia, yet never thought a lot about it, similar to the history behind it, and what there truly is to do. So I chose to explore it and converse with individuals that know about it. I began my pursuit off by glancing in a reference book called Encyclopedia International and looked into Australia. The reference book was composed in 1970 however things have changed since that time. The general data about Australia didn't change however, for example, the temperatures, the sorts of creatures and feathered creatures that live there, and geographic realities. This article didn't give me enough data so I continued looking. I at that point got on the web and went to the internet searcher Dogpile and looked into Australia. I got huge amounts of matches for my hunt, yet found a fascinating webpage. ( This was the official site for Australia, so that is the reason it is so dependable. It was stacked with data about nearly everything in Australia that I needed to study. It talked about the spots to see, activities, colorful encounters, food and wine, and the nightlife in Australia. The site despite everything forgot about certain subtleties that I was all the while searching for, for example, what sorts of shopping is there to do, what the Australians resemble, and so forth. Subsequent to getting familiar with Australia, I called Liberty Travel in Harrisburg and addressed a pleasant woman named Helen Andrews. Helen clarified that she was once there numerous years back, yet has sent various individuals there as of late. So Helen could give me a ton of extraordinary data I was searching for. She gave me a site to gaze upward. She said it is brilliant and has generally excellent data. On account of her, I discovered what carrier to take to Australia and what the most ideal approach to get around the landmass is. Helen was a tremendous assistance! I got back online to look at the site ( that Helen provided for me. It was stacked with a wide range of voyages through Australia. It had all the costs, what you would do, to what extent the excursion would be, etc. Each visit was altogether different and energizing. It likewise had the full schedule of each visit also, which was useful! I despite everything stayed online to find another fascinating and useful site.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

5 Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing - and 3 Lessons to Learn

5 Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing - and 3 Lessons to Learn Have you ever imagined yourself as a  successful entrepreneur, who has everything?  A good job, a big house, a  modern  car and a lot of money to solve most of your problems.Well, not everything is as it seems.Being a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean you had it easy in life or that you haven’t had any problems on a path to become a successful person.On the contrary, a lot of entrepreneurs started off with nothing and managed to build  their  businesses over time with a lot of sweat and tears.You probably know some of the people we’re talking about.  Yes, we  know the first two people who crossed your minds are probably Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.But we will not talk about them in this text.Instead, we will focus on other people’s stories,  who  also had had it rough before they became successful in what they do.So strap in and enjoy the ride!1. INGVAR KAMPRADAh,  Sweden, the  land of many opportunities! It is often called the USA of  Europe  because of that. A lot of very important and interesting things come from Sweden, for  example,  the Nobel prize, Vikings and of course IKEA.If you do not know what IKEA is, then you are probably from another dimension or you have been living in a wilderness in Canada for far too long.Jokes aside, IKEA is one of the most famous international retail companies which  specializes  in the  furniture  business.The founder of IKEA is Ingvar  Kamprad, born in 1926, who basically started with nothing and still managed to create one of the biggest furniture retail  company  in the world.IKEA got its name from his initials, the farm he was born (Elmtaryd) and the village close the farm itself, where he was raised (Agunnaryd).The very beginningsIngvar  Kamprad  started to do  business when he was just 5 years old, believe it or not.He was selling matches to the people in his town, and by the age of  7,  he expanded the business by getting a bicycle, which he used to travel to Stockholm, get cheaper matches, then return back to his village and sell it at a higher price and make a profit.Later on, he widened his business by selling other products too, from fish to pencils.On his 17th birthday, he was awarded a small amount of money from his father, which he used to found IKEA.A Brief  History of IKEAA couple  of years after IKEA  was  founded, Ingvar  Kamprad  began to use trucks which were used for milk deliveries to distribute his own products, which expanded the area where he could deliver the items.Several years later, he made a deal with local furniture  producers  and agreed to sell their products.It didn’t last a  very  long time, because they started protesting and breaking the deals he made with them because he wanted the price to be low enough in order for it to be accessible to everyone.Later, that became one of  the IKEAs  motos, that everyone should be able to afford good quality furniture.Because of  that, he had to continue creating the products in his home instead of doing business wit h individual manufacturers.Despite their tries to sabotage his business, he managed to fight  them  off and expand it even further. He established a policy which was rare at the time. He didn’t only care about making a profit.Instead,  Kamprad  believed that it is his duty as a human being to help other people, not just rip them off for money.Working on those  principles,  IKEA has slowly grown to become a multinational company.Starting to spread first across the entire Scandinavia, then the rest of  Europe  and eventually the entire world.Interesting facts about Ingvar  KampradDespite being a famous businessman and owner of one of the biggest furniture retail companies,  Kamprad  was a very humble and funny person.When he was young, his father often  criticized  him for sleeping too much, so he took his alarm clock, set it up for 6:00 in the morning and removed “off-button”.He never liked to brag about his wealth, so he always traveled with normal people, in  economy  class. Also, he preferred to call his employees “colleagues” and has always been trying to instigate informal talk in the company.Also, he had been using the old Volvo car for over 2 decades, because it was close to his heart and he didn’t care about buying a  modern  car. When he had to abandon that car because it was not  to  safe to drive it anymore, he got a new car, which was still more than 15 years old.He passed away on 27th January 2018. 2. J.K. ROWLINGPerhaps you didn’t have a clue  who  Ingvar  Kamprad  was, but surely, you have to know who this amazing woman is.J.K.  Rowling  or Joanne Rowling is the author of the brilliant Harry Potter series.But did you know that she didn’t have it easy during early life? In fact, there were times when her life and the future were hanging on a thread.Joanne’s early lifeJoanne Rowling was born in 1965 in England. She was raised in both England and Wales along with her little sister Dianne.Joanne  has been surrounded with books her e ntire  life  since her parents were heavy readers. Some modern kids would find that very boring and tedious, but in fact, she really enjoyed it.Ever since she was a little girl, Joanne was in love with writing. She wrote her first story at the age of six. The story was called “Rabbit”, a story which depicted, as you may have already guessed, a rabbit.At the age of eleven, she wrote a book about seven damned diamonds and their rightful owners.As for her education, she went to St. Michael’s Primary School,  then  later continued secondary education at  Wyedean  College.She applied to join  Oxford  but didn’t manage to pass the  tests,  so  instead,  she attended the classes and got her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Exeter, where she had studied French and Classics.How did the idea of Harry Potter come to life?  In 1990, while she was waiting for a delayed train, she first got an idea for the  Harry  Potter novel. In the next several years, she developed a story and wro te many notes, which would later become one of the most popular fantasy series of all times.She got the inspiration after her mother passed away. That moment in her life really hit her hard and if you read the Harry Potter novels, you can sense that sadness in the sentences where she describes how young Harry feels about losing his own parents.She transferred so many of her emotions into those moments in the book.This may sound weird, but that hurtful moment in her life planted a seed which grew into one of the best stories of all times.After that, Joanne moved to Portugal, where she was working as an  English  teacher and there she met her husband, with  who, she had a baby named Jessica a year later.Alas, not everything was honey and milk for Joanne. After her daughter had been born, Joanne divorced her husband because of her husband’s abuse and returned to Scotland, where she had a really tough time, being a single mother.Because of a lot of stress and responsibility, she fell into depression and even thought of taking her own life at some point.During this period of her life, she was  dependant  on the state benefit, which was really tough for her and her baby daughter. Apart from that, her husband came looking for them, so she had to seek  help  from a court, issuing a restraint order. He had to go back to Portugal and they were left in peace.In 1995, she finally finished the first installment of Harry Potter books and tried to offer it to twelve publishing houses.All of them declined and Joanne was desperate for money in order to feed both her and her daughter.Finally, the following year, her request was approved and the book was published in 1997.Never forget your roots!Funny thing is that one of the publishers told Joanne that she should find an actual  job  because she wouldn’t be able to feed herself by writing books for children.We are really glad she proved him  wrong  because her wealth is estimated at   £600 million. Joanne was, however not s elfish.She didn’t waste her money on expensive things.  Instead,  she remembered how hard it was for her to live in those harsh conditions, without a  job, without enough money to even feed our own child.Therefore, she gave most of her money on charity, in order to help the poor people and orphans, who are struggling to survive every day.3. JAN KOUMStarting  a new business is always hard, especially if you start with nothing. But the potential benefits can be very, very high. It takes a lot of time and effort to first develop the business, then  to find  proper customers  and eventually succeed.This is the story of a man, who is  ranked  as the  3rd  richest entrepreneur under 40 in America. This is the story about Jan  Koum.Who is Jan  Koum?Jan  Koum  is a co-founder of  WhatsApp  and one of the richest younger entrepreneurs in America.He was born in 1976 and grew up in Kiev outskirts in Ukraine, which was at the time part of Soviet Union. After the Cold war, he moved to the Unit ed States in 1992 with his grandmother and mother, where they lived of  state  support for a while.His father tried to get to the US, but he never managed to leave Ukraine. Though they were separated, Jan and his father stayed in touch until his father died in 1997.His mother  worked  as a babysitter and young Jan himself worked as a janitor in a market. When he was 18 he started to show interest in programming and later joined a team of young hackers.At that time he was studying at State University in San  Jose  while working in Ernst Young at the same time.How was  WhatsApp  born?One day  at  the beginning of 2009, Jan got himself an iPhone and while he was looking through the App Store, he noticed a trend and predicted that the store itself will soon need to change drastically.Luckily he had some ideas what could possibly be done to exploit that situation.Then he had a conversation with his friend Alex Fishman about the ideas he had. And that is how the idea of a messaging appli cation came to his mind. They talked and talked and Jan eventually picked a name for his new project.In February 2009, he founded  WhatsApp  Inc. At first, the application seemed to be a failure, but later that year, Apple introduced a  new  system of notifications, called “push notifications” and  Koum  thought of this as the opportunity for his app to shine. And oh boy, he was right!Once the app had gained some popularity,  Koum  invited his friend Brian Acton, who he met while he was working in Ernst Young, to be his partner, which  Brian  accepted and invested some of his money into the company.In 2014,  Koum  was  offered a deal from Mark  Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, to join with him.Several days after that, Facebook issued an announcement that they had  officially  acquired  WhatsApp  Inc. for a hefty sum of money ($19 billion).Two years later, Jan sold around 50% of his total Facebook shares and in mid-2018, he declared he was stepping down from the  Facebook  b oard, because of some conflicts with other people.Not an entrepreneur?There is one funny and interesting thing about Jan  Koum. He doesn’t consider himself to be an entrepreneur.On the contrary, he hates when people call him like that.In his mind, an entrepreneur is a person who only cares about money, who is driven by a  desire  to always make more money.He doesn’t consider himself to be that kind of person, because he has always just wanted to make products which would be useful to ordinary people. 4. HOWARD SCHULTZWe all like Starbucks’ coffee. There is no point in denying that. But back in the ‘80s most of the people in the world didn’t even know about Starbucks, because it only had several stores in the entire United States.But what has changed since then? How did a regular coffee shop grow out to become the most famous coffee brand in the entire world?Well, there is one man who can take some credit for that and his name is Howard Schultz, a former CEO of Starbucks.A short  story about Howard SchultzSchultz was born in 1953 in New York, where he was also raised.His family was quite poor, as his father had to feed three children, so young Howard didn’t have too many options during his early childhood, as his father had to work several low-paid jobs just so he could manage to feed his family.Despite that, Howard has always been proud  of  his father, because he tried the best as he could in order to provide his family with the most necessary things in life.There was a time when his father got injured on work so he wasn’t able to work for some time, and at the same time his mother was pregnant, so they were basically living without any money and were hiding from tax collectors, by claiming there were not home whenever they would call.Though he had it rough, Howard had never allowed himself to despair. Instead, he found a vent in doing sports, for which he managed to get a scholarship and eventually graduate at the Northern Michigan University, which made his entire family proud.After his graduation, he started working as a salesman for Xerox, where he had spent 3 years before he joined the  Hammerplast  U.S.A. as a General Manager.Success of StarbucksIn 1983,  Howard Schultz  came to Starbucks. At that time, it had only 4 open stores.A year later, he traveled to Italy, where he learned about the process of making coffee and espresso, which really intrigued him and  inspired  him to leave Starbucks and open his own store.However, four years later he decided to return to Starbucks, but not  empty-handed. He managed to find several investors, who would help him acquire the store, which he succeeded. He became a CEO and at that time Starbucks had  coffee stores  on 17 other locations.Since then, it has grown exponentially and right now, there are over 28 thousand coffee stores in 77 countries.The company employs over 350 thousand people.Howard Schultz decided to leave the company in  2017  because he wanted to explore other o ptions, which are available to him.5. GARY VAYNERCHUKThe last person on this list is the one who has the highest chance of not being  recognized, at least not compared to the other people on this list.However, that doesn’t change a fact that this person also started with almost nothing, managed to fight his way up and become one of the most influential people when it comes to digital marketing.Who is Gary  Vaynerchuk?His birth name is Gennady  Vaynerchuk  and he was born in Belarus in 1975, which was part of the Soviet Union at that time.When he was 3, his family decided to move to the United States. He had lived in a small apartment in New York with eight of his siblings and other family  members  before they moved to New Jersey.During his early childhood and school period, he had interests in doing business, which was supported by the facts that he managed to make tens of  thousands  of  dollars while he was at school. He succeeded in that by selling lemonade and baseball cards. Later on, when he was 14, he joined the family business. Anyway, his family was doing wine retail business, where he started to work as a wine critic and managed to expand it from $3 million to over $60 million.After that, in 2009, he decided to leave the family business and start his own digital marketing company along with his brother. They named it  VaynerMedia.The company is oriented towards making and managing marketing strategies for the companies from the  fortune 500  list.VaynerMedia  has grown over time and in  2017  it acquired  PureWoW  and restructured itself to  VaynerX, but continued to do social media strategy development.WHAT ARE THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT LESSON WE CAN LEARN FROM THESE PEOPLE?Now that we presented our choice of entrepreneurs who had it rough during early life, but still managed to end up being victorious, we might want to mention some things we can learn from their examples and mistakes.1. Never stop trying!As we could see, all of these people had a  ver y  rough childhood and life before they become successful entrepreneurs.But even when things seemed grim, they  didn’t give up,  they didn’t succumb to their grief and problems. Instead, all those things made them stronger and even more confident.So it doesn’t matter how hard it is, you should never give up on your  dreams  because as you were able to see in this text, some dreams come true when you least expect it.2.  The best investment is an investment in  yourself!No one is  perfect,  we all have flaws and strengths. We all have to learn during our entire lives in order to stay on track with new trends and options available to us.None of these people we mentioned started as a genius.They all had their difficulties, but they all found the time and effort to invest in themselves in order to become better and specialize in things they wanted to do with their lives.And we should all do the same. We should all find what are our strengths and weaknesses and work on improving the strengths and removing the weaknesses.3. Future is the key that opens all doorsAnd last, but not the least, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, do not just start working something which was already done, but instead, try to create something new, be innovative and try to look things from a different perspectives, to measure what could happen in the future with what happened in the past and what is happening right now.Because one of the keywords in the very definition of  â€œentrepreneur”  is innovation.“Entrepreneur is the person who can notice the possibilities around him, who knows how to exploit those possibilities to create something new or to use something which was already there in a completely innovative way.”That is why you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment, because benefits are huge, as you could notice in the text.CONCLUSIONIn this text,  we presented 5 entrepreneurs who had started with nothing and became successful in what they do.There are a lot of examples, some are even more famous and noticeable, but by showing these 5 people, we wanted you to see that there are a lot of people who were in the similar situations and who despite everything managed to become who they are today.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Health Equity - 9260 Words

Nursing in 3D: Diversity, Disparities, and Social Determinants The Social Determinants of Health: It’s Time to Consider the Causes of the Causes Paula Braveman, MD, MPHa Laura Gottlieb, MD, MPHb ABSTRACT During the past two decades, the public health community’s attention has been drawn increasingly to the social determinants of health (SDH)—the factors apart from medical care that can be influenced by social policies and shape health in powerful ways. We use â€Å"medical care† rather than â€Å"health care† to refer to clinical services, to avoid potential confusion between â€Å"health† and â€Å"health care.† The World Health Organization’s Commission on the Social Determinants of Health has defined SDH as â€Å"the conditions in which people†¦show more content†¦McKeown attributed the dramatic increases in life expectancy since the 19th century primarily to improved living conditions, including nutrition, sanitation, and clean water.23 While advances in medical care also may have contributed,23–26 most authors believe that nonmedical factors, including conditions within the purview of traditional public health, we re probably more important;24 public health nursing, including its role in advocacy, may have played an important role in improved living standards.27 Another example of the limits of medical care is the widening of mortality disparities between social classes in the United Kingdom in the decades following the creation of the National Health Service in 1948, which made medical care universally accessible.28 Using more recent data, Martinson found that although health overall was better in the United Kingdom than in the United States, which lacks universal coverage, disparities in health by income were similar in the two countries.29 Large inequalities in health according to social class have been documented repeatedly across different European countries, again despite more universal access to medical care.30–32 Another often-cited example of the limits of medical care is the fact that, although spending on medical care inShow MoreRelatedGender Equity in Health and Health Care Essay2178 Words   |  9 PagesIt is often challenging to have health care services that meet the needs of Canada’s diverse population and the needs of both men and women. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Tariffs - 1127 Words

Pros and Cons of Tariffs Principles of Macroeconomics Columbia Southern University BBA-2401 Angelo Jones Managing the how goods and services enter or leave this country (import/export) is an important process that allows for us to control the economic status of our nation. Sometimes imposing tariffs on the goods imported balances our labor cost, resources and government supported industry. A tariff by definition is a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports. Economic policy of nations and states, tariffs are tools used to control the flow of goods, services and resources being brought into the country. The overall purpose is to create security for the domestic industry from the imported product. These products can sometimes be less expensive to purchase than the goods being manufactured in the local economy. (McEachern, 2015) The government does this either stimulate or deflate trade with other countries. (Fontinelle, 2012) There are quite a few forms of tariffs that the government may apply based on the condition of the country’s economic welfare. The pros and cons of these forms of tariffs will be reviewed. Discussion on how these tariffs positively or negatively affects the economic stance of the country will be displayed. Tariffs such as the ad valorem, the taxing a percentage of the value of an item and the specific tariff or tax which is a set amount based on weight or sum of items. (McEachern, 2015) The revenue tariffShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Tariffs Essay1628 Words   |  7 PagesPresenting the Pros and Cons of Tariffs An important part of managing the economic status of a nation is to manage the methods in which goods and services are imported and exported into and out of the country. 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Food security is defined as when all people at all times have access to safe nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life (FAO 2003). Therefore, the importance of food security is to the general welfare of the population as a public health and nutrition benefit. Free trade can be defined as a market model in which trade in goods and services between or within countries flow unhindered by government-imposed restrictions such as taxes, duties, tariffs, orRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1711 Words   |  7 PagesThis paper will discuss four components of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Background, events, pros and cons. Upon the research, you will discover four online articles to provide more detail and examples. This research will indicate how it was developed and the reasoning on why it would benefit the nation. Also, it will provide events that occur after the agreement was signed by congress and the recession the countries experience during the early 2000s. There will be a chart locatedRead MorePros and Cons of the Free Trade Agreements706 Words   |  3 PagesWhile I was on the internet I was researching for the pros and cons of The Free Trade Agreements, and this is what I found: It seems to be a split betwe en the democrats and the republicans. Pros Some believe that the Free trade will increase sales and profit for the US business. I still think this is up in the air. I don’t feel the economy is up, but is it better? They also said that the Free trade will create us jobs for the middle class over a long term, but I also know that there are still a lotRead MorePros and Cons of Nafta Essay1568 Words   |  7 PagesPros and cons of NAFTA NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, has been getting a lot of not so favorable, and sometimes, controversial headlines in recent years. Some critics blame it for the current labor shortages in the United States, due to the fact that most U.S. companies have been and continue to outsource and ship jobs overseas. However, its proponents have been hailing it as a great success in helping lowering national prices on certain manufactured goods and services andRead MoreCentral America Free Trade Agreement1242 Words   |  5 Pagesagreement with lower tariffs, but to create a free trade area. CAFTA has been compared to NAFTA in many similarities in the areas that they encompass. Though it is speculated that CAFTA-DR is the stepping-stone to reaching the FTAA. The FTAA will include such countries as all of the South American and Caribbean nations, as well as, North America and Mexico, also excluding Cuba. (wiki) With reaching this agreement between the countries to lower tariffs on US products it removed tariffs on 80% of US exported

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics Religion vs. Abortion Free Essays

Not every woman was meant to be a mother. Not every couple is meant to have a child. So what happens when an unprepared couple becomes pregnant? The first thoughts are not to carry a baby to full term for it to be adopted or to grant temporary custody. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics: Religion vs. Abortion or any similar topic only for you Order Now People look for the easiest way out which is to get rid of the baby. Our society has become so accustom to instant gratification that there are no thoughts that run through our minds when making such decisions. Our biggest concerns are how much it will cost and who will find out. At what point is the weight of this decision realized? When do we realize that we are taking a life? For this specific reason there are people who boldly stand against abortion. Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward (Psalm 127:3 KJV). There are many verses in the bible that explains how children are great gifts and should be cherished and welcomed into the world. The church has stepped in to remind us how gracious the gift of life really is. The religious war on abortion cannot be easily defined. Although people are religious and may fear God, the issue is that there are no consequences during life. There is only a threat that people who have or perform abortions will go to hell in the after life. The churches only weapon is excommunication where they limit a person’s membership or exile them from the church. Originally Catholic Church’s position on excommunication was limited to the abortion of a formed fetus. The theory of a formed fetus came from Aristotle’s concept of ensoulment which was adopted by Christian philosophers. Aristotle believed that fetuses were conceived in a vegetative or animalistic state and that between 40 and 90 days a fetus undergoes â€Å"ensoulment† in which the fetus actually received its human soul. So it was this concept that made abortion a homicide after the 90 period. Church councils usually grouped abortion earlier than the ensoulment with other sex crimes. After 1869 the Catholic Church agreed that ensoulment started at the time of conception, this now made abortion a homicide at anytime, in the eyes of the church. Abortion wasn’t always such a controversial issue in America; there was a time when it was taken lightly. In the early 1800s many mothers died during or after child labor. Lack of medical knowledge and equipment made delivery difficult and because of this aborting children was a norm. Although there seemed to be less death surrounding abortion, the procedure was reevaluated in the late 1800s and anti-abortion laws were put into place. By 1910 almost all of the states had declared abortion illegal due to its immorality; some believed that laws were put into place because the early settlers feared being over populated by the immigrants that were traveling to our country at the time. Others believed that Doctors led lawmakers to criminalize abortion. This was their way of taking control of the practice. Many abortions were performed by female practitioners in women’s homes. To get those women to get back into doctor’s offices they claimed that their main objective was to protect women from the dangerous abortion techniques practiced outside of the office. After these laws were put into place abortions were to be performed by doctors only after they determine if the pregnancy would endanger the mother or child. After six decades of illegal abortions throughout the United States they were convinced to give women back the rights to their bodies with Roe v. Wade in 1973. Legalizing abortion dropped the number of pregnancy related hospitalizations by 75 percent almost instantly. That number has continued to drop over the years and has reached less than 1 percent. Legalizing abortion has saved a lot of lives but there are still many obstacles that woman face when making this grave decision. When it comes down to which law is more relevant it is easy to say the law of the land prevails. Simply because in our times there is not much respect for religion. Many people don’t know what they believe in or would rather believe in nothing. When it comes to something to have faith in or look up to it is often monetary. These are the beliefs of the youths, that money will help them get through anything. Older generations know that you need to have faith in something that can make you feel loved. Money is not abundantly available to any of us, while God, Jesus and his word are readily available for us all. Many people do not attend church and don’t read the bible so to them there is no other law than what they see in front of them. The law of the land is gives direction to those who are seeking abortions. Protestors that harass and even use violence towards people seeking abortions will not enlighten them. The church must find a way to reach out to people so they may realize what kinds of options they have. The state offers counseling, adoption agencies, and welfare to those seeking assistance with children. When it comes to assistance it doesn’t seem that the church has much to offer but it does seem that they are quick to judge. Researching this paper has enlightened me on abortion. I didn’t know that there were so many deaths involved with illegal abortions. I mainly focused on what has happened in the United States. Digging deeper I found that there are still many countries that have not yet legalized abortion. Cuba and Guyana are the only countries in Central and South America that are allowed to practice abortion. In this area there are over four million illegal abortions done every year even though this region is the biggest Roman Catholic region in the world. Women who are well off are able to use large sums of money to get into professionals offices. While poor women take the risk of having abortions below medical standards. After already going through the trauma of an awful procedure when these women are taken to the hospital they are questioned and then often thrown in jail awaiting trial or even convicted. There have even been convictions in the United States for performing late-term abortions. Most states prohibit abortions after viability or the point when a fetus can survive outside the womb. Viability is often around 28 weeks but at 21 weeks the fetus has already developed all its organs and body structures. I have never had an abortion and hope that it is never a decision I will have to struggle with. I am very safe and take the proper precautions that will save me and my unborn child. There is so much that is readily available for us, condoms, birth control, and abstinence plus many other ways to protect ourselves. Although I agree that the procedure should be available, I also believe that they should know and exhaust all options. Ultimately I cannot give a stern opinion on the matter. I have never been in a place where I have to choose to take someone’s life or dedicate my own. I do understand the state of our economy and that many people are not in the proper place to raise a child. If you don’t know where your next meal will come from or how you will be making your next mortgage payment, you may not want to bring a child into a world of stress and frustration. Bibliography â€Å"Abortion. † Methods of. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"National Abortion Federation: History of Abortion. † National Abortion Federation (NAF). Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . BBC News. BBC. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Your Baby’s Developments in the Womb. † Askamum. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Baby’s Development in the Womb. † – MyDr. com. au. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Major U. S. Laws concerning Abortion. † U. S. LAWS RESTRICTING ABORTION. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"The Bible and Abortion. † What the Bible Says about Abortion! Web. 08 Apr. 2012. . How to cite Ethics: Religion vs. Abortion, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

One of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann Essay Example For Students

One of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann Essay Describe the first ONE or TWO scenes in the text. Explain how verbal and/or visual features were used in this scene or scenes to suggest what the text would be about. I will be writing about one of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann. One of the first scenes in Romeo and Juliet was the fight between the Montagues and Capulets at a gas station in Verona. A foolish Montague bites his thumb at a Capulet and a fight is about to break out when Benvolio another Montague tries to keep the peace and orders everyone to put up their guns or swords as they are called in the film. However, when Tybalt arrives and Benvolio tells him that he wants to make peace I do but keep the peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, Tybalt just sneers at him and replies, Peace? I hate the word as I hate hell all Montagues and thee. This then leads to the long awaited fight, which not only affects the Montagues and Capulets, but also causes a lot of destruction to the city of Verona. This scene then finally ends when the Prince arrests Benvolio and Tybalt à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ put your mistempered weapons to the group! and warns the two families that if ever they cause any more civil disruption, then they will pay with their lives. There were a number of visual techniques that were used during this scene to suggest that this visual text would be about the hatred between the Montagues and Capulets and how this hatred would eventually affect these two families. A visual technique used to show the hatred between the families during the scene was the use of close ups, including the close up of the Add Fuel to Fire sign, and the fearful faces of the Montagues, which led up to the arrival of Tybalt and created a lot of tension and apprehension. The use of close ups for this purpose made me think about how greatly Tybalt was feared because of his volatile, violent personality. Another visual technique used was how the Montagues and Capulets were made to contrast with each other through the use of costume and music. For example, the Montagues wore brightly coloured clothing which showed their laidback, careless personality, while the Capulets wore dark, sophisticated clothing to show that they were more serious, violent and more fearful. Loud, rock music had also been used to introduce the Montagues as careless and laidback while the Capulets were introduced through the use of soft, Latino guitar music to depict them as darker, more serious people. The use of music and costumes to contrast the two families helped me to understand how they were completely different to each other and that these differences would continue to cause a lot of conflict throughout this film. In conclusion, the visual techniques used during this scene made me think about how destructive hatred between people can  be and that instead of being so stubborn and filled with pride, they should give up and make peace such as Benvolio. However, after watching the opening scene, one can come to the realisation that some are willing to hate and hurt enemies at the expense of innocent people.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I am not esther free essay sample

Describe a conflict/challenge faced by a character in the novel. Explain why the conflict/challenge is important. Fleur Beale effectively creates conflict between her two main characters 14 year old Kirby Pilgrim and her Uncle Caleb in the novel I Am Not Esther by throwing together two contrasting characters. This conflict is important because it introduces new characters to the plot, develops relationships, creates suspense, and reveals the themes identity crisis and rebellion. When Kirby’s mother, without much notice leaves Kirby in the care of her Uncle Caleb, leader of a cult and takes off to Africa Kirby’s world is turned upside down. At the first meeting Uncle Caleb introduces Kirby as Esther. â€Å" I am not Esther† Kirby repeated in protest, â€Å"I’m Kirby† But he insisted that she would have to use her new name as all the women of their faith had Biblical names. Kirby was used to dyeing her hair red and green for Christmas but now Uncle Caleb made her tie her hair in a braid and wear a headscarf in public. We will write a custom essay sample on I am not esther or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In protest Kirby hacked her hair with a kitchen knife. He also made her abandon her jeans and T-shirt and for a Long blue skirt, white loose blouse done up to the neck and up to the wrists, big white apron, laced up shoes and underwear ‘big enough to hide a cow’. Kirby who was loathe to give up her jeans objected by saying, â€Å"I’m allergic to skirts. † Besides these impositions there was no TV or radio at the cult and no books to read but for the Bible as they ‘kept their thoughts turned to the lord. Also she had to use formal language and obey the rules of the cult without question as the women of the cult always put themselves in the background. When Kirby tried to assert herself Uncle Caleb locked her in the prayer room where she remained isolated until such time Uncle Caleb released her. This conflict is important because it introduces new characters like Daniel and Maggie into the plot and develops fascinating relationships between them. Esther’s cousin Daniel helped Kirby find her mother’s things after Uncle Caleb refused to let her have them and Esther found comfort in the innocent 5 year old Maggie. The conflict also creates suspense as the reader is kept guessing, will Kirby get out of the cult and be reunited with her mother with Daniel’s help or will she succumb to the pressure from Uncle Caleb and accept the lifestyle of the cult. When Esther protests to her change in name and hairstyle and dress the themes identity crisis and rebellion are revealed by her actions. â€Å"I don’t know who I am any longer† Esther said to her mother when they were reunited, confused about her identity as any fourteen year old who had so much change inflicted on her in such a short span of time would feel. So we see that Fleur Beale has deliberately used conflict in the novel so that the reader is engaged with the characters and the plot of the novel and the resolution in the end becomes all the more meaningful because of the conflict that Esther faced when she moved to live in the cult and met the domineering Uncle Caleb.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Health Promotion with Healthy People 2010 Essays

Health Promotion with Healthy People 2010 Essays Health Promotion with Healthy People 2010 Paper Health Promotion with Healthy People 2010 Paper ‘Healthy People’ is a truly healthy forum, but more correctly a governmental think tank in collaboration with important experts in the health care industry, including scientists, businesses and others that relate to the objectives of the forum. Comparable to a hypothetical national drive for ‘sustainable health care,’ Healthy People also takes community members such as consumers of health care into account when planning improvements in the health of the nation. All stakeholders receive timely information about the health care industry, especially in the priority health care areas that are identified by the think thank, e.g. environment and pollution.   Healthy People, additionally, monitors the priority areas with as much concern as possible, seeing as all stakeholders have a direct interest in the improvement of health care across the nation. One of the most important areas in health care that Healthy People 2010 has identified is that of immunization.   Unsurprisingly, immunization brings to mind children, and their families who must look after their health especially with respect to vaccination against various diseases/illnesses. People 2010 does not only deal with the priority area of universal health insurance for children; in addition to mental health, seeking to provide better protection to children against abuse; but the Initiative most importantly calls for immunization for all children of America, be they black or white, infants or toddlers.   As a matter of fact, the Healthy People Immunization Initiative is one of the foundations of Healthy People 2010. The United States government, in collaboration with a large number of experts in the field of children’s health care, have already collaborated to do their utmost to have every child of America vaccinated against MMR (at the very least) by 2010. â€Å"Universal immunization,† as the sole objective of Healthy People 2010 Immunization Initiative, works to eliminate infectious diseases in the young and old. Families of young children (known to be especially vulnerable to disease) are not put in a tight corner because of the Initiative, however.   Rather, the government along with various members of the public, both organizational and individual, have realized that all Americans must be financially supported to access good health care for their children (and next of kin, including the elderly). In other words, Healthy People is not intended to put an undue burden on the family of the child.   Instead, the government and a huge number of collaborators are already arranging for free immunization, or highly subsidized vaccination for all. Healthy People 2010 Immunization Initiative seeks to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots by making it stress-free for all people, rich or poor, to get their children immunized against certain diseases that can be life threatening. In particular, the Healthy People Immunization Initiative for 2010 is described as an attempt to â€Å"[p]revent disease, disability, and death from infectious diseases, including vaccine-preventable diseases.†Ã‚   After working out its objectives, the government department responsible for Healthy People attempts to implement various plans that serve to fulfill the goals of a healthier America. The Immunization Initiative of 2010 is designed to work on the following goals apart from many more: (1) â€Å"Reduce or eliminate indigenous cases of vaccine-preventable diseases;† (2) â€Å"Reduce chronic hepatitis B virus infections in infants and young children (perinatal infections);† (3) â€Å"Reduce hepatitis B;† (4) â€Å"Reduce bacterial meningitis in young children;† (5) â€Å"Reduce invasive pneumococcal infections;† (6) Reduce hepatitis A and C;† (7) â€Å"Reduce meningococcal disease;† etc. By helping to fight diseases in infants as well as the toddlers and young children, the Healthy People alliance is helping to energize and strengthen our homeland, especially its future. Although Healthy People Immunization Initiative 2010 would increase the number of children immunized by leaps and bounds; parents of little children are required to be informed about various diseases and their vaccinations anyway.   For this reason, Healthy People 2010 introduces awareness campaigns that publicize such pertinent information to parents. Parents are also required to time the vaccinations of their children, and to be on guard against infections in their children.   As far as changing health habits is concerned, Healthy People further seeks to introduce to children over the age of seven, health literature and multimedia lessons via programs implemented with ‘collaboration.’

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Critically examine a period of strategic change for an organisation of Essay

Critically examine a period of strategic change for an organisation of your own choice. Outline the triggers for change and the - Essay Example 7 Triggers to this change †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 2- Product Differentiation as a strategic change †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Triggers to this change †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 3- Retail-marketing/ Own-store retailing as a strategic change †¦ 10 Triggers to this change †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 11 Significant organizational issues facing the managers in strategic change .. 12 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 13 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 14 Introduction In the light of large-scale changes facing the world around the business, organizations require to undergo strategic changes and strategic re-orientations. Both the external and internal environments of a business face tremendous changes day by day, mainly due to technological advances, varying customer requirements, differences in marketing trends etc, and in order the business to survive in this challenging environment, it is highly important that business must be accustomed with the environments through the strategic change possible. For management, there are quite a large number of strategies to help the business achieve its specific or common goals. Out of these strategies, change itself is a strategy as it is, though a challenge to get it successfully implemented, an opportunity for the business. Apple Inc with the leadership of Steve Jobs has emerged to be an organization that prospered a number of strategic changes l ike retail-marketing, innovative product design, product differentiation etc. This piece of research paper is an attempt to address the strategic change from both literature perspectives as well as empirical evidences from Apple’s strategic change. This paper outlines how Apple Inc has managed strategic change at various situations and how it could successfully implemented changes like launching of its retail-marketing. Apple Inc: An overview Apple Inc, one of the most successful technology companies of today, has been established by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak in early 1970. It’s startup story itself is amazingly interesting as it is closely linked to one-off hobby machine that an outstanding talented electronic wiz, Steve Jobs, made for himself and this has later become the core of the most successful companies of today (O'Grady 2008, p. 1). Apple Inc is a multinational company, headquartered in California, that designs, develops, and markets personal computers, servers, communication devices like cell-phones, portable music digital players and related accessories (Datamonitor 2010). The company has always been thriving on innovation and continuous changes. It ignited personal computer revolution in early 1990s with the development of Apple- II. The company thus went through a number of strategic changes in production, technology, marketing, innovation and so on. It later reinvented the personal computer within the next few years by the development of Macintosh. Macintosh and its another development called iMac gave the company deeply routed brand loyalty (Kerin, Hartley and Berkowitz, 2005, p. 395). In recent years, Apple found hidden marketing opportunities, that were until then explored by none, for digital music players, music software, iPhone, 3G iPhone etc and revolutionized its markets through effective distribution with

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Royal mail Privetisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Royal mail Privetisation - Essay Example Many governments owned so-called natural monopolies such as water, power, and postal services on the assumption that market efficiency would be attained if there were only a single seller. It is easy to see why a monopoly may be needed in some markets, as in the case of utilities where large investments are needed, or in postal services where a number of mail delivery routes are not profitable enough to attract private investments. But as many nations eventually experienced through the years, this market structure became characterised by inefficiency and wasted resources. This was the situation at Royal Mail in 2002. Its vehicle repair centre situated in the Isle of Wight was a case in point. The poor location entailed unreasonable expenditures, a factor for inefficiency and a destroyer of value. Since it would be a better use of resources for broken down vehicles from different parts of the British Isles to be repaired in the nearest motor shops, this vehicle repair centre would be under-utilised. Its facilities would be better off sold, closed down, or put to other use, for example as a conference centre for its workers. Monopolies lead to inefficiency and waste because the absence of competition leads to complacency, as the company enjoying a monopoly position would not have the incentive to improve itself and be efficient. Like a pensioner unmotivated to work because of a guaranteed income, monopolies know that their market has no choice but to buy its products, no matter how poor the quality. And when the monopoly, like Royal Mail, is labour intensive, not only do the workers become a formidable political force that can influence the outcome of elections (â€Å"forcing† politicians to listen to their pleas), but also their lifetime employment status binds the state to pay until retirement, a disincentive for increasing

Monday, January 27, 2020

Mise-en-scene is the language of films

Mise-en-scene is the language of films It is vital to understand the meaning of Mise-en-scene before describing it in any movie. Mise-en-scene is basically a French word, which in English means; putting into the scene. In short, Mise-en-scene is the language of films through which the viewer is able to gather and extract relative information. It helps in showing the viewer, about what is going on in the film, the motives, and most importantly it helps conveying the film makers message. Tim Burton however, has a very distinctive style in filmmaking, considering the use of various elements of Mise-en-scene in almost all of his films, especially Edward Scissorhands in 1990. Tim Burton has his own imagination of good and bad people, which have nothing to do with appearance, for him they could be very misleading. In Edward scissor hands, after looking at Edward one can easily mistake it with a horror film and that Edward is some cold blooded monster, just because of his leather garments and his scissor hands, his appearance is deceiving. Behind the clothes, the pale face full of cuts, long sharp scissors and messy hair, there is a child with genuine goodness who can be trusted. Jhonny Depp, who played the character of Edward in Edward Scissorhands, has remarkably carried out the roll, just as Tim Burton would have wanted him to. Due to his acting skills, the viewers were able to sympathize with the character. His expressions showed the viewers how innocent and well mannered Edward was. Behind that horrible attire there laid a heart, which needed some love and care. Whereas, Tim Burton, in order to give the audience the right idea of the main character, other than the acting skills, costume and make up, has competently used the camera angles, lighting etc. But that completely depends on the role that has been chosen for the actors. For instance, in Sweeny Todd, again Jhonny Depp, who played the role of Sweeny Todd himself, was white, pale and lacked a lot of sunlight. Other than sunlight, just after one glimpse anyone could easily tell that he is deprived of life and something terrible has had happened with him. In this movie, he lived up to his getup; He looked evil, and he was evil. The way Tim Burton makes Jhonny Depp dress up, wear his costume, and the makeup itself is Mise-en-scene, which is very either fascinating or unexpected. It is always a mystery after looking at the character, what the movie would be about or what role would the actor be playing. When it comes to manipulating the audiences attention, Tim Burton is always one step ahead. Furthermore, Tim Burton usually uses contrasting colors. Colors also play a high role in his Mise-en-scene which he easily uses for manipulation. For example, in Edward Scissor hands, the mansion where Edward lives and the mountain on which the mansion is are set in a dark grey shade with black clouds above, which strongly contrasts to the pastel colors of the suburb below. This is also seen in the dress code of the people. Edward wears black leather clothes and even later he dresses up in black and white while the others dress up in soft pastels and look too colorful. Since black is denoted for evil, at first glance the viewers mistake Edward for being evil, his Scissorhands complimenting his image. If Edward was dressed up in pastel colors too, the image would have never been able to be achieved. The manipulating part comes in, like already mentioned the suburbs were of pastel colors and so were the people, which are very harmless colors yet the people living in there were more malevolent than the black and white, monster like looking Edward with his terrifying scissor hands. The colorful people kept on taking advantage of Edward and as soon as they had enough of him, the abandoned him. Moreover, the contrast between residents of the suburb and Edward is maintained throughout the movie, denoting every time no matter what Edward does, he shall always remain an outsider. Similarly in Sleepy Hollow, again the colors have enhanced the mood of the film, straight away hinting the viewers what kind of a movie it would be. Tim Burton was able to keep his audiences engaged by the way he was able to create dramatic effects by desaturated colors, using dark colors with splashes of grey, red, white and other bold colors. Which immediately felt oppressive and created a feeling of tension and anyone could tell that the movie is going to be quite unpleasant. In the film, the town of Sleepy Hollow is shown gloomy, dark and lifeless. Even the colors of trees and the landscapes are shown in a cool grey color. That represented the people living there, and how they were feeling with the mishaps going on in their hometown. In fact, the clothes worn by many people in the town are also oppressive and dark except for the Van Tassel family, who rather believed in wearing refined and elegant clothes. The eye- catching part were the clothes Katrina always wore, mostly bright colors perhaps, reflecting her youth and innocence which could not be seen anywhere else in the town. I believe by using bright colors on Katrina and using contrasting backgrounds against her, Tim Burton was able to catch the viewers interest.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Motion Picture Industry Managerial Report

When creating a movie to release in such a competitive industry, assurance is needed that there will be a return on investment as well as that their movie will be well-received by the public and entertaining to make it a popular hit at the box office. Using a sample of 100 motion pictures from 2005 and numerical methods of descriptive statistics, including measures of location, variability, distribution shape and the detection of outliers, the motion picture industry can be analyzed more specifically in order to learn how these variables play a part in the success of a motion picture.The main concern of management in this case would be with regard to revenue, profit, and entertainment. In this case study it was found that there was a high correlation between the total gross sales and the opening gross sales, time spent in the Top 60 and the number of theaters played in, indicating that movie makers should take these variables into consideration when trying to predict or plan for a su ccessful movie. The motion picture industry is a cutthroat, multi-billion dollar industry involving a diverse number of contributors to making a successful movie.From production crews, actors, and directors to marketing crews, distribution companies and movie theaters, there is substantial time and effort put into these creations and there are four variables commonly used to measure the return on this investment. These variables include the opening weekend gross sales, total gross sales, number of theaters showing the movie, and weeks in the top sixty of gross sales. The first variable, opening gross, can inform movie makers how anticipated and well-received a movie is and can be a good indication of how much money the movie will earn overall.After calculating several central tendency measures (mean, median, and mode), one can create a histogram and see the opening weekend gross sales are heavily skewed to the right. The median opening gross sales of 0. 40, indicating 50% of the ope ning gross sales values were less than 0. 40 and 50% were greater than 0. 40, would be a more appropriate central tendency measure than the mean due to this skewness. The range of opening gross sales was 108. 43, from 0. 01 (Caterina in the Big City) to 108. 44 (Star Wars: Episode III), and the standard deviation was 18. 87.However, the interquartile range of 12. 37 would be a more appropriate measure of variability because the distribution is skewed and has extreme values. Once a box-plot is created, one can see the extreme values are 108. 44 (Star Wars: Episode III), 102. 69 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), 77. 06 (War of the Worlds), 50. 34 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith), 48. 75 (Batman Begins), and 33. 90 (Wedding Crashers). Total Gross will demonstrate how much money a movie has earned overall. This can serve as an indicator of which types of movies will resonate with movie-goers and do well in the future.This could also serve as a guide of whether to make a sequel and if it would or would not maximize profits. As with the opening gross, total gross also has a right tail, therefore, median would be a more appropriate central tendency measure than the mean. The median total gross was 5. 85, indicating 50% of the total gross values were less than 5. 85 and 50% were above 5. 85. The range of total gross was 380. 15; from 0. 03 to 380. 18 and the standard deviation was 63. 16. Again, the interquartile range of 47. 03 ould be a more appropriate measure of variability due to the skewness. Based on the box-plot, extreme values were 380. 18 (Star Wars: Episode III), 287. 18 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), 234. 21 (War of the Worlds), 209. 22 (Wedding Crashers), 205. 28 (Batman Begins), and 186. 22 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith). The number of theaters can also be an indication of a movie’s popularity and potentially large profits, as movie theaters will often bring in and continue showing the most high-demand movies in order to bring in revenue to the theater.The number of theaters is also heavily skewed to the right, indicating the median would be a more appropriate measure than the mean. The median was 410, therefore 50% of the values were less than 410 and 50% of the values were above 410. The range of the number of theaters was 3905, from 5 to 3910 and the standard deviation was 1379. Due to the skewness the interquartile range of 2687 is a better measure of variability. No outliers are identified by creating a box-plot for number of theaters. Weeks in the Top 60 will correlate with the popularity of a movie after it had been released over a period of time.Movies will continue showing if audiences consistently continue to view them after their release date, in turn, creating more revenue. As with the other variables weeks in the top 60 is also skewed to the right, meaning the median of 7 would be a more appropriate measure than the mean, indicating 50% of the variables were above 7 and 50% were less than 7. Note that because the data wa s not highly skewed, the mean and median were close to each other. The range of weeks in the top 60 was 26, from 1 to 27, the standard deviation was 6. 39, and the interquartile range was 10.There were no outliers observed for this variable. Now that we have taken a look at the four variables we can see that the median opening gross sales was . 40 or $400,000 meaning half earned more than that and half earned less in the opening weekend. The median total gross sales was 5. 85 or $5. 85 million, indicating half of the movies earned more in total sales and half earned less. The median number of theaters was 410 meaning half of the movies showed in more than 410 theaters and half of the movies showed in less than 410 theaters.The median number of weeks in the Top 60 was 7 showing that half of the movies shown stayed in Top 6 for less than 7 weeks and half stayed for more than 7 weeks. With regard to the correlation between total gross sales and our other variables it is evident that th ere is a high correlation between total gross sales and opening gross sales, as well as number of theaters and weeks in the top 60. This indicates that those movies that have a high total gross will tend to have a high opening gross and vice versa with low gross sales.Also, this proves to be the same for number of theaters and weeks in the top 60 as typically movies with high total gross sales tend to have been played in more theaters and stayed in the Top 60 for a longer period of time. In conclusion, the use of descriptive statistics can prove to be highly valuable in the evaluation process for any firm or industry. Generally, this can give management a clearer image of where they’ve been and where they are going, as well as where they want to avoid which can serve so many diverse purposes in the management process.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

How Ot Manage Stress

How to manage stress When it comes to how to manage stress, there are loads of methods to deal with this problem. Today, with the increasing number of people getting overwhelmed pressure on their study or job, more and more people are paying their attention to how to solve stress problem more effectively. In this essay, we are going to talk about how to manage people’s stress physically and emotionally. 1. How to manage stress physicallyEngaging with people’s pressure in physical method means to do some regular physical exercise or sport in order to reduce stress, such as yoga, walking, gardening or any other physical exercise that people like. The purpose is to make people have time and space to release themselves into a peaceful relaxation. The following method will show that. 1. 1Regular Exercise Doing some regular exercise such as Yoga, gardening, working, jogging or any other physical activities that people like after work or study are able to lower people’s heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption (Treven, Treven, Zizek, 2011).In addition, it also will let your physical body into a state of peaceful relaxation. 1. 2 A Deep Breath This is the simplest method to deal with stress that people have. All people need to do is climbing a top of the mountain, then have a sit, try to get rig of all the trouble inside your mind. 2. How to manage stress emotionally 2. 1 Release of Emotions The reason why a plenty of people who are suffer from the overwhelmed pressure is that they always keep their stress inside mind instead of pouring it out. So at this point, people need toâ€Å"letting off some steam†(Donvan, 1991), which means expressing emotion to others.Communication with closed friends or colleague is a good way to heal issue of pressure, on the other hand, people are also able to chat with parents and family relatives, who are understand each other easily than anyone. Under this circumstance, people would put themselves in to harmony surroundings, so the pressure will disappear immediately. 2. 2 Getting assistance from the social support Firstly, people could search help from the professional institution which focus on studying on stress. In this manner, people will find out their original issue of pressure as soon as possible, and then listen advises from the professional experts.In addition, marriage is also a way to deal with manage, according to the survey from a double who all earn money, women with spouse will heal quicker from the daily stress than the woman who don’t have one(Novotney,2008 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ). 2. 3 Letting go Mostly, people will feel stressful because of the heavy workload, Andrew Weil, the natural health guru, said thatâ€Å"individual should get rid of what he can spare†(Wei, 1997 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ), which means people should throw away the unimportant things, people should make their life more simpler and easier inste ad of being complicated.Conclusion In general, it is divided into two separated section about how to manage stress, physically and emotionally. Taking a deep breath at a high place and engaging some regular exercise belong to physically section. Releases emotions, getting help from professional and throw away the unimportant things belong to emotional section. People should select the proper technique for managing stress wisely according their own needs.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Leadership Management Paper W1 LDR 300 - 1045 Words

Leadership and Management Paper Christopher King LDR/300 Innovative Leadership July 18, 2013 Instructor Name Leadership and Management Paper Leadership and Management At a very young age, George Washington Carver took a strong grip on his destiny. This dynamic leader prevailed over getting born without a name into slavery, overcoming poverty, and prejudice to commit his life in helping others achieve a better livelihood. Through his actions, he was able to earn high levels of respect of self-worth, dignity, honor, and infinite achievement. Booker T. Washington was the first president and principal of the Tuskegee Institute in 1896. Booker T. Washington sent an invitation to George W. Carver to reside over the Agriculture†¦show more content†¦After the death of Carver, the United States Government erected the first national monument to honor someone other that a president. Effective Leader – Common Measures George W. Carver was best known in his time as a man of faith who believes in God as science as a gift from God. He would constantly acknowledge that his work was inspired by the works of God and God’s inspiring, and guiding him in his work. When those who wanted things from Carver such as his secrets without the desire to work for the knowledge, Carvers replay would be, ‘God refuses to reveal the secrets of the humankind and the universe. Within the readings and teachings of the text, Carver proves his effective leadership skills for success present. To be a leader whom everyone will want to immolate, it takes the extraordinary levels of strong will, determination, someone who can listen and follow, and the ability effectively to move those whom you lead in a positive direction fostering a successful outcome. Conclusion Carver’s faith was his concern of character that his students whom he regularly taught would follow a set of cardinal virtues: ââ€"  Do not look up the rich nor down to the poor ââ€"  Be clean both inside and out ââ€"  Win without bragging ââ€"  Lose if needed but without squealing ââ€"  Be too brave to lie ââ€"  Always be considerate of women, children, and other people ââ€"  Be too generous to cheat